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County Lookup

County Lookup to lookup any county based on the address. If you don't know the exact address, you can lookup the county by entering the state and city.


Your Location
Your Latitude and Longitude
DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds)
° ' "
° ' "

What County Am I In?

By default, the county lookup tool will find what county am I in, or the county that you are currently at.

County lookup by address

Most of the addresses that you found do not include county information. To get the county information of an address, you will probably need to go to a government site to look up the county information from that address. To make your life easier, we built this county lookup by address tool so that you can enter any address, and the county will be found immediately. If you ever need to find the county information of your address or a house that you want to buy or rent, you can use the tool to help you find the county of that address.

Why do I need to know my county?

For parents who are moving to a new location, it is important to know what county they are moving to because of the school district because then they know what type of schools their kids will be attending. Families can also learn what kind of local activities they have within the county, how far is the county from the others, and so on.
Abbeville Zip Codes